learning materials

Hi Everyone,

I just joined the forum because I have been playing with Unity trial and it is such a great product. I see there are 3D platform and 2D tutorials but are there any books and magazines on Unity? Are there such books for Unity and Javascript together? I know I’m not capable of making my own characters. Would anyone can tell me who can I turn to to create characters for me. That is with skin and rig.

Thank you,
Xcape :slight_smile:

Oh I apologized that I posted in the wrong group. How can I moved this topic to Unity Support group?

Regardless of why, welcome aboard!

Books? No. A magazine? Yes! Check out Unity Developer Magazine from Charles Hinshaw here on the forums. Other than that make sure you check out the third party offerings like the Unify Community Wiki and Will Goldstone’s Video Tutorials as they are great resources as well.

Go read or post in the Collaboration section, I’ve seen a few “art for code” threads lately. :slight_smile:

I’m moving the thread to Support in 3… 2… 1…