For some reason the hint from my left hand Two Bone IK Constraint does not work, the one from the right one does, it is the same set up.
Here is how it is set up:
I added a model underneath my player character, and clicked on Animation Rigging → Rig Setup, then Bone Renderer Setup.
Then, underneath the created Rig, I added two game objects with Two Bone IK Constraints, one for the right hand, one for the left.
Then, I dragged the hands as the Tips and clicked on auto generate from Tip.
Here is the simple script i’m using to assign the targets:
public class Visual : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private RigBuilder _rigBuilder;
[SerializeField] private TwoBoneIKConstraint _rightHandConstraint;
[SerializeField] private TwoBoneIKConstraint _leftHandConstraint;
private GameObject _weaponRightHandTarget, _weaponLeftHandTarget;
private void Start()
_weaponLeftHandTarget = GameObject.FindWithTag("LeftHandTarget");
_weaponRightHandTarget = GameObject.FindWithTag("RightHandTarget");
_rigBuilder.enabled = false; = _weaponRightHandTarget.transform; = _weaponLeftHandTarget.transform;
_rigBuilder.enabled = true;
I recorded this clip showing up the issue: