Left Island DX11

Hi all,
here is my entry, using displacement tessellation.

This looks really good! Love the mood. What was your workflow like?

Thanks Metakid, I created almost every Asset in Zbrush and used Xnormal to bake the maps, except the skybox was made with Terragen.

Great work! Will there be downloadable version for us?!

Great work as usual. :slight_smile:

@defaxer: Thanks man :). This pack will be available in the AssetStore next month.

@brilliantgames: Thanks Robert :).

Will the new pack work without DX11? (I develop on my Mac)

@Jaimi: Yes the pack will also work without DX11, I’ll starting a new thread in the AssetStore forum soon with more details and screen-shots with and without DX11 comparison.

Very impressive! But maybe you would consider adding a few screenshots with plain old DirectX 9 so we could better appreciate all the DX11 awesomeness?

@shaderop: Thanks man, I’ll add some screens soon.

This competition is heating up. All these great submits.

@Prion-Games: You’re right, this competition brings some really cool stuff.

Here are some other screens on the left side the assets with the standard normal specular shader and on the right with displacement Tessellation.

Very nice, love the rocks.
I’m new to ZBrush, loving it. I saw you use xNormal for your maps. What do you use for topology, ZBrush or something like TopoGun?

great environment! What was your process on creating the rocks in Zbrush? I’m fairly new to Zbrush, and haven’t gotten rocks to look this good :frowning:

@jc_lvngstn: Thanks, i also use ZBrush for the retopo.

@gizm0san: Thank you, I’m using often Dynamesh and the standard brushes like, Clipping Brush, ClayBuildup, and TrimDynamic.

how to make a Real-time Collision Detection for Dynamic Hardware Tessellated in unity ?

Hey! Great work, looks awesome. I’m a bit new to tesselation, and was wondering what kind of performance you get with this?

Fantastic! Amazing work.

I’m not an artist, but from my simple point of view I see little difference between dx versions (without/with tessellation)

It looks beautiful no matter what :slight_smile:
Love it!

it awakes my fantasy dna