Left Mouse doesn't register click when keyboard button is pressed

My game doesn’t register the left mouse button being clicked down using Input.GetMouseButtonDown when any key on the keyboard is held down regardless of whether the key does anything. The right mouse button doesn’t have any such trouble. I’ve isolated the button from all other variables and even tested it in other scripts but the outcome is the same. The button only fires when no key has been held down on the keyboard for a second or two. Ive tried searching the entire project and there doesnt appear to be anything else acting on the mouse button. Does anyone know what could cause this?


apparently it was windows - see drivers - Using keyboard disables touchpad left button for a second on Acer laptop in Windows 8.1 - Super User

especially this part:

On my Windows 10 laptop, the proper setting to allow simultaneous use of the keyboard and the touchpad’s left mouse button is:

Settings > Devices > Touchpad (left nav) > Touchpad Sensitivity (dropdown) > Most Sensitive