Legacy and Mecanim at the same time

Hello Unity3D i have a question about legacy and mecanim being used on the same character?how do i make it that when i use legacy for one of the characters i can use the mecanim system for the other.For example i have used unity 3D animation inspector for the punches and kicks and i want to use mecanim for the getting hit and dying…how can i do that while using legacy or is there like another of doing so?

You usually don’t use legacy animation and mecanim on the same object. If you created an animation in Unity’s animation window, you can run it from the legacy animation component or from mecanim. If you’re using mecanim for part of your object, just put everything in mecanim.

Oh yeah, one more thing: If an animation was created in legacy, and you want it to work in mecanim:

  1. Go to debug view in inspector mode by clicking on the menu to the right of the inspector lock.
  2. Change the ‘Animation Type’ variable from 1 to 2.

oh its either one or the other…

I think Unity technically will let you mix them. But imo it would be more trouble than it’s worth, as you have two separate systems controlling the same object, and it would make things more confusing than it needed to be.

Sometimes legacy can be nice for certain things in your project (like cutscenes), but that would happen on a separate object.