Today we launched Legacy of the Elder Star on Steam!
This launch is the culmination of two-and-a-half years of work by Kickbomb Entertainment to bring you a new take on the shoot 'em up genre: a game with uniquely intuitive controls, a welcoming aesthetic, a modern design approach, and extensive accessibility options. In short, a shoot 'em up for the rest of us:
It’s been a long road, through PR challenges and a failed Kickstarter to a strong MAGFest showing and a successful beta program. It’s taken a lot to get here, and we’re incredibly proud and excited to finally get to share Legacy of the Elder Star with the world.
The game, of course, was made with Unity. We used the excellent 2D Toolkit for all our sprite rendering and UI, and Spine for all the character and environment animation. Because spawning objects is expensive, we wrote our own object pooling system to handle the load for all our enemies, bullets, and effects. We also wrote a pretty cool custom editor for sequencing our levels and enemy patterns. We’re planning a series of articles over the next few weeks digging into some of the technical details of those, among other things.
Current plan is for a non-Steam version later this month(ish), console versions later this year, and mobile versions maaaaybe early next year (only if sales of the others appear to justify it).
Anyway, here’s a bunch of screenshots, because pretty pictures are always a good time: