Legacy Unity Analytics FAQs

Thank you for joining Unity Analytics. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.

Here are a list of FAQs that we will add to as questions pop up:

1. What platforms are supported?

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Universal Windows Platform
  • Mac, PC, Linux Standalone
  • Tizen
  • WebGL

2. Is Unity Analytics free?
Yes! Unity Analytics is available to all Unity developers regardless of license tier. We do have additional features for Plus and Pro subscribers.

3. When should I expect to see data populate my dashboard?
In general, you should start to see data on your dashboard after the next processing cycle completes, which is roughly every 8 hours.

Your data will only be included in the processing cycles if youā€™ve visited your dashboard at least once after completing the integration process.

4. Itā€™s been 8+ hours and I still donā€™t see any data on my dashboard - whatā€™s going on?
Depending on when in our processing cycle you integrate, it may take up to 16 hours for data to appear in your dashboard.

  • Processing Cycle A starts (your data hasnā€™t been sent yet)

  • Your data sent

  • 8 hours later

  • Processing Cycle B starts (which includes your data)

  • 8 hours later

  • Your data is shown in the dashboard.

So 16 hours is the longest youā€™ll typically have to wait for data when you first integrate.

5. When will my Funnel be live?
Your funnel should be live after about 8 hours - subject to us receiving the custom event data. Make sure you complete custom event integration first!

A funnel will not switch over to being Active until it has received an event that triggers the first step. If your funnel is still Processing after 8 hours, check the first step and make sure you are sending a Custom Event that will match that format.

6. How can I give other users access to my dashboard?
You can give other users access to your dashboard by going to the Organizations section of the Unity Developer Dashboard and adding their UDN account to your organization:

Few things to note:

  • Only an Owner or Manager can add users
  • Users must have an existing UDN account (which they can create at https://id.unity3d.com)
  • UDN accounts are case-sensitive

7. How do I delete a project?
It is currently not possible to delete a project. However, you can Archive a project to remove it from your dashboard. This process is reversible, so you can always un-archive a project.

8. What happens when there is no Internet access when my user is playing?
Our SDK caches events that are sent if the request fails for any reason(e.g. no internet connection) after it reaches the retry threshold. Once thereā€™s an internet connection, we resend the cached events.

9. What is the Google License Key / Google API Key?
The Google License Key (or Google API Key or Google public key) is needed for Receipt Verification. This will allow us to mark revenue as Verified if the receipt can be verified with Google. (The Google License Key is the only step in this process if you are using Unity IAP. If you are using transaction events with another IAP plugin, make sure to follow this receipt verification guide.)

Your Google License Key can be found in the Google Play Developer console under All applications > Services & APIs > Your License Key For This Application.

10 Can I clear the data in my project?
Yes! On the Configure page of your dashboard, there is a Data Reset button to clear data from your dashboard. It may take up to 36 hours for data to be cleared.

11. How do I submit a feature request?
You can submit your feature requests on our Feedback page:

12. How do I report a bug or issues with Unity Analytics?
Send us a note Unity Cloud

13. What is the difference between data on Integration pages and the Data Explorer?
The Validator on the Integration pages only displays data when playing from the editor or when playing from a built project where ā€˜Development Buildā€™ was check in the Build Settings window. The Data Explorer will fill with data from built projects where ā€˜Development Buildā€™ was or was not checked as well as with data from the editor.

14. What are the custom events / parameter limitations for each license tier?
The following limits apply regardless of license tier:

  • Default limit of 10 parameters per custom event

  • If there are more parameters passed, the call will fail with a return value of AnalyticsResult.TooManyItems

  • Default limit of 500 characters for the dictionary content

  • If more than 500 characters are passed, the call will fail with return value of AnalyticsResult.SizeLimitReached

  • Default limit of 100 custom events per hour, per user

  • If more than 100 events per hour are called, the call will fail with return value of AnalyticsResult.TooManyRequests

15. Using Funnel Analyzer and Raw Data Export, would you be able to see data on a user level rather than aggregated?
Funnels and custom segments are features that are exclusive to our dashboard. However, you can recreate these features with Raw Data to expose some of the information youā€™re looking for. Also, all the events from Raw Data Export will contain a user ID, so they can be analyzed on a user level rather than an aggregate level.

16. What is the Raging Bots (Demo App) on my project list?
That is a Unity-created to demonstrate the features of the Analytics dashboard. You can hide this project from you project list by clicking the hide button.

17. What version of Unity does Analytics require?
Unity Analytics is integrated into Unity 5.2+.

For 4.6 - 5.1, there is an SDK available. Not all platforms are supported with the SDK.

Have questions on these topics? Read more here:


I was downloading Google Analytics in the exactly same moment as the news mail from Unity with this awesome new Unity Analytics system came in. If I wouldnā€™t have read this FAQ (I wish I didnā€™t) then I would have the Unity Analytics already installed.
Does this mean that Unity Pro will be not enough to use the full Unity Analytics once it is out for Unity 5? Will it be charged by traffic amount?

Hi FreeboardMAD - Thank you for taking a closer look at Unity Analytics and reading our FAQs.

At this moment, a pricing strategy has not been finalized but we plan to offer a free tier of Unity Analytics to all Unity developers regardless, whether or not you have a Pro license. A premium tier of analytics will available later this year but details have not been finalized.


Hi, while importing package today, i have noticed win8 and wp8 plugin dlls. Does this mean that that wp8 is already supported or are those there just to avoid compiling errors? Also is 100 custom events per hour a limitation of beta or will it remain active afterwards as well? Given single level takes 1 minute to pass (hence 40 events per hour), this limits amount of other data we can send, because if we send 2 extra events per level, we will hit 100 events limit. Thanks in advance for your anwers.

Hi Raimis! Those Windows Phone dlls are indeed just to avoid compilation errors. However, we are planning to support Windows Phone and will be working on the integration soon. I canā€™t give you an exact timeline but weā€™re talking weeks not months :slight_smile:

As for custom events, there will almost certainly always be some limits, because processing those events has some cost for us. If you sign up for Analytics now, you can have access to Analytics Pro for free, with significantly more data processing allowed.

If youā€™d like to discuss your specific use case with us, feel free to contact our Support team at Unity Cloud !

Are there plans for standalone PC support?

Is an advertising identifier used in any way? In case its somehow connected to the unity adsā€¦

@mbrik, Thanks for the answers. Well we donā€™t have any specific requests, but 100 limit is really low for games that have potential to engage users for hours and have short game sessions. Though in most of the cases 100 requests is more than enough with with decent plan for analytics, I do see cases where it will limit us.

I possibly have a feature suggestion that would probably solve this. I suppose the component responsible for tracking these limits is on user side isnā€™t it? Or is it server that sends out the error messages? If itā€™s user side, it would be great to have properties like .eventsLeft & .timeTillReset. This would allow developers to create event tiers. For example click of the button is interesting, but itā€™s only interesting if thereā€™s plenty of events left. If I only have 5 events left and itā€™s 20 minutes until reset, Iā€™d rather reserve these events for level completion times, or for identifying level problems (where all users fail) or something related to my funnels rather than waste these precious events on something of minor importance.

We have tried few different analytics in our games and I have never seen such limitation. Though I understand why itā€™s there and I even like it (this forces you to put much more thought into analytics plan), but I wish there were means to dynamically adjust which events are sent and which are ignored when you approach the upper limit. Of course we could develop this solution myself, but given this limitation comes from your lib, Iā€™d think itā€™s reasonable to expect you to provide the means to work around it as well. How does that sound?

Hi @randomperson42 - Weā€™re currently working on extending support to additional platforms, one of which is standalone PC. Please stay tuned for further updates!

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The Unity Analytics SDK does not use the advertising identifier (IDFA for iOS and Advertising ID for Android) in any way.


@Raimis Thanks for the suggestions! Your intuition is correct, the 100/hour limit is implemented on the client side. (We do have some server-side limits as well, however, and may need additional such limits so that our system scales well.) So it would be relatively straightforward to add detailed info such as eventsLeft and timeUntilReset.

That being said, our goal is to provide a system that is simple to use and meets the needs of the majority of our users, so Iā€™d rather find ways to raise the limits! But, given that this would be an easy feature to implement and could enable more advanced use cases, I think it has a fair chance of making it into an upcoming sprint. Sorry I canā€™t be more specific :confused:

@mbrik Thanks for the update. Since we are publishing the game for WP8 first, we are looking forward for wp8 support as well. Hopefully, this feature is enabled by then :). I do hope that we can get rid of flurry then :slight_smile:

Do I need Unity5 to use analytics?

No, our product works in 4.2 - 5.0.

From 5.1, youā€™ll be able to use the tool without downloading/installing an SDK.

doesnā€™t look like it works on WebGL builds, there are CORS errors cause of security on the unity cloud server.

EDIT: Details hereā€¦ WebGL, CORS, and Unity Analytics - Unity Services - Unity Discussions

Does Unity Analytics for Android still function properly if a plugin takes over the MAIN activity?
Mostly just asking because the analytics packages Iā€™ve used so far have required doing so, so Iā€™d love to have to stop dealing with that hassle.

Our plugin should still work, since our SDK doesnā€™t have calls that require the Main Activity specifically.
Youā€™ll also notice that we also do not override AndroidManifest.xml, so our plugin can easily work with other plugins, avoiding the AndroidManifest merging nightmare.

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Please, would someone telle what the benefits of filling the ā€œGoogle API Keyā€ field are?
Also whatā€™s the expected value here ? and can I get it ?

Hi @chabix !

The Google API Key is needed for implementing receipting verification for in-app purchases (IAP) on Google Play. This is optional, but if you are developing for Android and have in-app purchases, we highly recommend implementing it. Please refer to this receipt verification guide for more information.

Hope this clarifies things - please let us know if you have any additional questions :slight_smile: