legal question regarding the use of assets

Thanks in advance for reading,

I’m wondering if when an asset is paid for (or free) does one have the right to edit and change the asset in any way they want for the purpose of their own use?

Specifically for example, if I have a dozen “spell and skill icon” assets from different individuals do I have the right to download them all, edit them into a single a piece and load just what I need?

Would I have the right to use these assets on a webpage for the project? What about music assets?

Just to be clear I’m of course referring only to assets I’ve either paid for or are free in the store.

Sincere thanks for whatever information you can provide.

Moving this question to asset store forum.

@TobiasThomsen Is the OP a Publisher?

This forum is locked and inaccessible to anyone who is not a verified Unity Asset Store publisher. If that person is just a normal user, then you have moved their post to somewhere they will not have access.


There are somewhat conflicting answers from a technical perspective.

In general, you don’t own copyrights to the content so you can never claim it as your own, but you can modify it for the purpose of using it in connection with the intended purpose.


Hi @SonicBloomEric ,
Thank you for letting me know! - I was unaware of this, and will try to move the thread to somewhere else.


Thanks to the everyone who has replied.