I made it up to Tutorial 4 (Change the win conditions).
I was asked to change the instructions of the green brick in step 12/15. I typed in my own text, but the “next” button was greyed out and I could not progress.
Version is 2019.4.20f1
I made it up to Tutorial 4 (Change the win conditions).
I was asked to change the instructions of the green brick in step 12/15. I typed in my own text, but the “next” button was greyed out and I could not progress.
Version is 2019.4.20f1
Same here
On Windows 10 with latest Unity LTS version
I got stucked in build and publish phase of the lego microgame tutorial. I have been working on unity essentials tutorials since 1 week and I got stuck everytime in building and publishing projects on WebGL. Wondering are those tutorials are broken or I do something wrong.
I’m having the same issue on Version2020.3.1f. Also experienced a problem on tutorial 4- 3/15, but was able to click on things randomly, accidentally complete the following step and skip forward to 5/15.
YouTube tutorials might be best at this point, since the given tutorials are buggy and unsupported.
great way to learn the importance of DEBUGGING, I guess.
I’ve had the same problem with the Ruby’s 2D Adventure and FPS Microgame tutorials, they just don’t work, I’m using the latest 2020 version on Ubuntu, a supported Linux distro.
Rich, this thread is specific to the Lego tutorial. In your case, we already discussed. In one, you were just opening an empty scene, the starter scene is working, you already shared a pic. You just need to start the tutorial. In the other, Linux doesn’t support .mov video files, I offered a suggestion. This thread is discussing the Lego tutorial only. Unfortunately I don’t have experience with the Lego tutorial.
I had an issue with the “Customize you game” tutorial. I wasn’t given a “Size” field under “Specific Actions”. I also had another issue with the “Build and Publish”. I’m not sure how you got such a good response on your thread. I only had one respondent and they were no help. Any help we can get with these issues would be great! This is, after all, the first tutorial in the learning process. Let’s make it a good experience!
This is exactly my issue. There isn’t any “size” property under “Specific Actions”. Is there any helping response on how to fix it?
I’m checking with the community here. Not quite my area, but I’ll see what I can do.
Hi Dream-E-rich,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’re still trying to isolate the source, but right now, it appears that the bug appeared in the most recent version of the editor – 2020.3.24f1. But in a previous version of the editor: 2020.3.21f1, this bug does not appear.
We’re going to be working to fix this, but in the meantime, I recommend that you install Unity 2020.3.21f1, and retry on that editor version.
Theres a fix on this thread :- Need help with the Lego microgame tutorial bug
I used it myself today and worked a treat.
Unfortunately I’m now stuck on another step! :'D (build and publish is also broken!)