Lenght of strings in custom events

What’s the lenght of strings passed as parameters’ values in custom events? Like say:

Analytics.CustomEvent(“gameOver”, new Dictionary<string, object>
{ “stringParameter”, myStringValueIsLongerTha },


I’m asking since once I want to create a segment the text field on Analytics’ site caps it to 20 characters (in the example, “myStringValueIsLonge”).


Hi @PedroGV_1 ! Sorry for the delay in responding.

You seem to be talking about a couple different things, segments vs. events.

For Custom Events, there is a combined limit for key and value in a string parameter of 500 characters. So that shouldn’t be an impediment. Segments have a name limit of 64 characters. I’m not aware of anyplace where we limit anything to 20 characters. Can you be more specific about the problem?

No problem.

When I attempt to create a new segment based on a custom event, I cannot set the equals (string) comparison to a value longer than 20 chars.


Rule 1: Event → MyEvent → MyParameter → equals (string) → “TheStringValueWithALenghtLongerThanTwentyChars”

The latter is capped by the input field on the site to: “TheStringValueWithAL”

Ah, ok. Let me investigate. I don’t think that should be the case, so it’s possible you’ve stumbled across a bug. Let me take a look. Might be easy to push a fix in short order.

Yeah, that’s definitely a mistake — my mistake, to be precise, since I wrote this code. I’ll see if we can get a fix out for you today.

Great! Thank you.

Fix has been pushed. Hope that solves it for you!
