Lens Flares not working - 2019.4.3 - Android

As noted I am using 2019.4.3 and I am not getting lens flares.

I have an issue where lens flares are not functioning in my project.

Standard Pipeline
Lensflare layer is on

The lens flare works in a 2019.3 project. Exporting that and importing it into my current project… nothing.

Is there anything I can check to see why no flares will work in the project?

Does your camera have a Flare Layer component?

Yes. It has the Flare Layer on.

I have an empty scene in one project with just the default camera (Flare Layer added) and Direct light.

There is an empty game object with the flare added. In a project in 2019.3:

And this one in 2019.4:

Ok. We may need a bug report to investigate further, please.

Okay, bug report has been submitted through Unity.

(Case 1263008)

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