Hello guys,
Very new unity/c# developer here. Basically, I have been trying to add to the Space Shooter tutorial where there would be a secondary gun that automatically aims for an enemy. The “shot” would be created each time i pressed a key. I have been playing around with the Vector3.Lerp to move the shot towards to “enemy”
Here is the script attached to the “shot” prefab.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class lerpTest : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject other;
private Vector3 newPosition;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
other = gameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Enemy");
newPosition = other.transform.position;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
positionChanging ();
void positionChanging (){
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position,newPosition,Time.deltaTime);
// gameObject is "this gameobject instance I'm attached to"
//should be
// GameObject is the class, static functions/variables are accessed by Class.Function(), Class.variable
In addition, you’re using lerp wrong! When it gets working, your bullet will slow down as it gets closer to the enemy. Read this for a great explanation of the magic that is lerp.
An alternative to Lerp is Vector3.MoveTowards, as it moves something at a constant speed (which is what you want a bullet to do anyways).