Lerp script sends object 800 in Z direction?

Start and end positions are both “0” on the Z axis. When the image starts to lerp toward position it jumps to 800 on the Z axis.

IEnumerator RemoveDetail()
        F_active = F_start.position;
        F_inactive = F_target.position;
        Vector2 F_current = Flag.position;

        float rate = 200f;
        float startTime = Time.time;
        float distance = Vector2.Distance(F_active, F_inactive);

        while (F_current != F_inactive)
            float movement = (Time.time - startTime) * rate;
            float moved = (movement / distance);
            Flag.position = Vector2.Lerp(F_active, F_inactive, moved);
            yield return null;

I moved the camera back in world space -100 and now it doesn’t jump. The UI stays on camera view.

anyone know why it does this?

Figured that out as well. Apparently with the Camera zeroed out the canvas was placed at 100 on the z axis. Bringing the camera to -100 zeroed the canvas and everything works fine.