Lerping 10 collors not that smooth

the idea is that each level has it own color and that it lerps from one level to the other one.

old :
my script witch lerps between 2 colors every level (for 10 levels long) but it does not change very smooth. it has to change consistently thrue out the level bet each time it changes its a quite big color difference.

new :
when it lerps the color change is seamless but it does not always lerp because it does not always the exact color because of the lerping

edit: new code.

this is the script (you do need to change the colors manually so you can see the difference)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ColorChanger : MonoBehaviour {
	public Color ambColor1 = Color.red;
	public Color ambColor2 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor1 = Color.red;
	public Color fogColor2 = Color.blue;
	public float duration = 1.0F;
	public Color fogColor3 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor4 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor5 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor6 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor7 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor8 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor9 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor10 = Color.blue;
	public Color fogColor11 = Color.blue;

	public Color ambColor3 = Color.red;
	public Color ambColor4 = Color.blue;
	public Color ambColor5 = Color.red;
	public Color ambColor6 = Color.blue;
	public Color ambColor7 = Color.red;
	public Color ambColor8 = Color.blue;
	public Color ambColor9 = Color.red;
	public Color ambColor10 = Color.blue;
	public Color ambColor11 = Color.red;

	public int map;

	public bool LerpColorBool = true;

	public GameObject DirectionalLight;
	public GameObject levelManager;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		StartCoroutine (colorCheck ());
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		Debug.Log (ambColor1);
		if (LerpColorBool == true)


	void LerpColor()
				float t = Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
				RenderSettings.fogColor = Color.Lerp (fogColor1, fogColor2, t);
				RenderSettings.ambientLight = Color.Lerp (ambColor1, ambColor2, t);
				DirectionalLight.light.color = Color.Lerp (ambColor1, ambColor2, t);
				if (RenderSettings.fogColor == fogColor2) {
						LerpColorBool = false;
	IEnumerator colorCheck ()
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);

		//LevelManager LM = levelManager.GetComponent<LevelManager> ();
		if (LerpColorBool == false) {
			map ++;
						switch (map) {
						case 1:
						case 2:
								fogColor2 = fogColor3;
								fogColor1 = fogColor2;
								ambColor2 = ambColor3;
								ambColor1 = ambColor1;
						case 3:
								fogColor2 = fogColor3;
								fogColor1 = fogColor4;
								ambColor2 = ambColor3;
								ambColor1 = ambColor4;
						case 4:
								fogColor2 = fogColor4;
								fogColor1 = fogColor5;
								ambColor2 = ambColor4;
								ambColor1 = ambColor5;
						case 5:
								fogColor2 = fogColor5;
								fogColor1 = fogColor6;
								ambColor2 = ambColor5;
								ambColor1 = ambColor6;
						case 6:
								fogColor2 = fogColor6;
								fogColor1 = fogColor7;
								ambColor2 = ambColor6;
								ambColor1 = ambColor7;
						case 7:
								fogColor2 = fogColor7;
								fogColor1 = fogColor8;
								ambColor2 = ambColor7;
								ambColor1 = ambColor8;
						case 8:
								fogColor2 = fogColor9;
								fogColor1 = fogColor8;
								ambColor2 = ambColor9;
								ambColor1 = ambColor8;
						case 9:
								fogColor2 = fogColor9;
								fogColor1 = fogColor10;
								ambColor2 = ambColor9;
								ambColor1 = ambColor10;
						case 10:
								fogColor2 = fogColor11;
								fogColor1 = fogColor10;
								ambColor2 = ambColor11;
								ambColor1 = ambColor10;
			LerpColorBool = true;
		StartCoroutine (colorCheck ());


Well your question makes it sound like you’re just using the wrong colors but from your code I can guess that changing your lerp targets every second is probably the cause of your problem.