Title is a bit confusing.
Basically I have a character with an idle animation, and when the player gets near the character, I want the character to turn its head towards the player smoothly.
The idle animation has head keyframes so I have no idea how to do this.
For such kind of work, look the Inverse Kinematics in unity, they work best in such senarios, but you have to give it time to learn
You can use Quaternion.Slerp and override any animation in LateUpdate(). On the frame you know you want to start this, call StartOverride(), but you will have to have a transition out of this as well, if you want the head to return to the original sate, but this should get you started:
Quaternion lastHeadRot;
public Transform target;
public Transform head;
public void StartOverride(){
lastHeadRot = head.rotation;
void LateUpdate(){
float angle = Vector3.Angle(head.forward, target.position - head.position);
if (angle > 0.0f)
head.rotation = lastHeadRot;
Vector3 targetDir = target.position - head.position;
Vector3 currentDir = head.forward;
if( -currentDir == targetDir ){
Vector3 rotAxis = Vector3.Cross(currentDir, targetDir); //get rotation axis
float rotAngle = Mathf.Sqrt(Vector3.Dot(currentDir, currentDir) * Vector3.Dot(targetDir, targetDir)) + Vector3.Dot(currentDir, targetDir); //Get rotation angle
Quaternion newRot = new Quaternion(rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z, rotAngle).normalized;
timer = (1.0f - (angle / 181.0f)) * speed;
head.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(head.rotation, newRot * head.rotation, timer);
lastHeadRot = head.rotation;
Code is not tested, but should work for you