Lerpz Adventure Tutorial - Start Menu

Errors Shown:

Assets/StartMenuGUI.js(11,36): BCE0005: Unknown identifier: ‘GSkin’.

Assets/StartMenuGUI.js(15,37): BCE0005: Unknown identifier: ‘Backdrop’.

Assets/StartMenuGUI.js(10,13): BCE0005: Unknown identifier: ‘GSkin’.

How do I code the script to do this (If that’s what it’s asking)… (Page 63) (Last Step)

Finally, inside the StartMenuGUI component, set GSkin to LerpzTutorialSkin and Backdrop to StartSplashScreen.

I had this same error, no option to set gskin or backdrop
I found an error in my script
verify this line of code

var gSkin : GUISkin;

Drag the LerpzTutorialSkin from project window into the StartMenuGUI.js in the inspector where it belongs, same with backdrop.