Lerpz demo on unity iphone

I managed to get the 3D platform demo working on unity iphone with a few script changes. Untyped enumerating seems to be a problem. Not really sure what I changed anymore but if anyone is doing this demo I can attach or send the fixed versions of the scripts.

Nice! I’m def. interested in seeing what you did. Do you go with accelerometer or touch controls?

okay the scripts are fixed but it turns out there’s some problems with the texture compression. It runs fine in simulator mode but when you try and deploy on the phone you get a lot more compliation errors wrt to textures. I will post some more threads on this because of some issues I feel should be addressed with unity -iphone.

I just attached the entire scripts folder but the offending scripts are:

106919–4085–$scripts_155.zip (46.4 KB)

It turns out that the lerpz (3D Platformer) demo won’t work on the iphone because the compiler is complaining about texture compression.

Here is the error I get for almost every texture in the example:
DXT compressed textures are not supported when publishing to the iPhone. Please switch to PVRTC compression in the import settings.

Is there an easy way to change the import settings for all textures in a project??

there is a editor script on the iphone board that allows you to change the compression on all.

This is the link you’ll want to look at:



I have been trying to get the lerpz demo working on my Iphone but having a few issues!Copied over the script folder, and changed all the textures, it all builds fine when using Xcode. I only start to have a problem when the game try’s and launches on the Iphone it just seems to be loading for a long time then sends me back to the main screen! Is this something to do with the size of the build? As i think it is around the 100mb mark! Or have I missed something! As im not getting any error codes up I am quite confused thanks for your help!