Lerpz Game Won't Load

I’m over half through the tutorial and in game mode the Start Menu shows but when I click the Play button it goes to the splash screen and that’s it, no further.
If I build and run it, it goes directly to the splash screen and no further, no menu. I know it is active since the FPS text keeps updating but I cannot get to the game.
I’ve copied and pasted the StartMenuGUI script just to see if it was my script not working, but same thing.
Any ideas?


If the main menu script is loading a level by an index number (I can’t remember if it does this by level index number or level name), then you should check to make sure that the main game scene is added to the build settings. If it’s not, the main scene won’t load. And check your console to see if any errors appear when you click “play”.

The main scene is in the build settings and the start menu and game end scenes are there but greyed out, is this normal?

No errors in the console.

When I go into Play mode in the Start Menu scene it isn’t the splash screen I’m seeing, it’s the real scene but not my stuff, it’s the provided file assets and a near and far camera. I can tell it’s not the splash screen because if I drag the clipping values on the cameras some of the scene is disappearing. Guess I’ll have to find out what exactly is being loaded.