Lesson 4.1 - Watch Where You’re Going - Starter files missing Scene

Following the Junior Programmer Pathway, in Unit 4 - Gameplay Mechanics Lesson 1 the links to download the starter files (Prototype 4 - Starter Files.zip) include an asset package but that package does not include the expected “Prototype 4” Scene when using the Unity 6 version of the tutorial.

The section 4.1 overview links here: https://unity-connect-prd.storage.googleapis.com/20241211/9b406029-d93a-4551-8390-b5644dfb79aa/Prototype%204%20-%20Starter%20Files.zip

and the links in the text of part 1 of the lesson link here: https://unity-connect-prd.storage.googleapis.com/20241211/584c42c9-3f21-43e3-8431-02be0e807935/Prototype%204%20-%20Starter%20Files.zip

Note that both links are different even though they are on the same page, and that neither of the two linked starter files include the scene.

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I apparently could only include 2 links in my post, but the Pathway/Lesson link is: Learn game development w/ Unity | Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D | Unity Learn

For anyone else stuck with this, I found the starter files for a previous version of this lesson that seems to work although has some purple texture due to changes in the render pipeline used.


This post helps fix the Purple textures issue: Lesson 4.1 - Watch Where You’re Going purple island - Learn Content - Unity Discussions

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