Let's analyze algo.

First of all, I’d like to say hello to the community. I’m new to Unity and seems to me it’s GREAT tool! :slight_smile:

So here what I want to analyze http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmuI5z5RkGw (video may download slowly so better to wait)

I found one example at unity forum which I guess may use similar algo. but very simple version ( http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=15458).

Here what I think about this boxing game:

  1. it’s ragdolls
  2. there should be some system of muscles to keep ragdoll up
  3. punches made with muscles, there is no animation… as well as movements
  4. after knockdown muscular system disabling and ragdoll falling down

any other theories ? maybe I missed somthing ?

Yeah, that sounds right. I’m not sure exactly what sort of input you’re looking for though.

I remember that. I think they are made up ragdolls with joint motors and a lot of tweaking.

Here is a couple of links to the discussion on the JME forums (which is the engine it uses). Not a ton of technical info but there is some:



Alric, thank you for the links… very useful :slight_smile:
StarManta, just trying figure out how it works to apply in games. I think this system can be improved as well. Most of us can’t afford NaturalMotion Euphoria, and this system can be good alternative for fighting scenes in games.

As I see now, foots are fixed to the plane (Is Kenmatic - true). Punches made by joints motor. The only thing for me is unclear now - how it balancing. Author of the game wrote “Jointmotors to move joints (animations) and forces to keep balance”, but how exactly forces apply to the joints ?

Here what I’ve done for now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzReuX3jNcg
and I don’t like results

I used “configurable joints” and spring to keep bones in proper positions. As you can see there is some shaking, but I want body to be stable… what you can suggest ? maybe “Hinge Joint” ?

Waiting for you propositions.