It only detects the mouseUp event when I let the mouse button go while I am hovering over the Rect defined at the top.
EDIT: I want to drag the item from the inventory inside a “GUI.BeginScrollView” and drop it into a “GUI.SelectionGrid” outside the scrollview.
So I have added this to my code which is completely inside the “GUI.BeginScrollView” section:
for(int cnt=0; cnt < _inventPlayer1W.Count; cnt++) {
EquipShortcut item = _inventPlayer1W[cnt] as EquipShortcut;
if( _inventPlayer1W[cnt] != null ) {
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0+ (cnt * BUTTONSIZE), BUTTONSIZE,BUTTONSIZE), _inventPlayer1W[cnt].GetIcon());
GUI.Box (new Rect(0+2+BUTTONSIZE, 0+ (cnt * BUTTONSIZE), 320,BUTTONSIZE), _inventPlayer1W[cnt].GetName(),"ToolTipHeading" ));
GUI.Label (new Rect(0+2+BUTTONSIZE, 0+ (cnt * BUTTONSIZE), 30,30), c1.Inventory.GetWeaponCount(item.ID).ToString());
if(new Rect(0, 0+(cnt * BUTTONSIZE), BUTTONSIZE, BUTTONSIZE).Contains(e.mousePosition)) {
Debug.Log ("Slots in inventory"+ " " + slotRect.x.ToString()+ " "+ slotRect.min.ToString() +" " + slotRect.max.ToString() + " " + slotRect.y.ToString());
slotRect = new Rect(0, 0+ (cnt * BUTTONSIZE), BUTTONSIZE,BUTTONSIZE);
if( slotRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) {
if(e.type == EventType.mouseDown && e.button == 1){
c1.Inventory.Remove(c1.Inventory.GetEquipment(item.ID, ItemDropType.Weapon),1, true, true);
if(c1.Inventory.GetWeaponCount(item.ID) == 0){
//_inventPlayer1W = c1.Inventory.GetContent(c1, false, false, true, false);
if(e.clickCount == 2) { //e.type == EventType.mouseDown && e.button == 0 &&
if(c1.Inventory.GetEquipment(item.ID, ItemDropType.Weapon).CanEquip(c1)) {
c1.Equipment.Equip(-1, item, c1.Inventory, false);
if(c1.Inventory.GetWeaponCount(item.ID) == 0){
if(e.button == 0 && e.type == EventType.mouseDrag && !draggingItem){
draggingItem = true;
draggedItemIndex = cnt;
draggedItem = item;
Debug.Log ("Test drag" + draggedItemIndex.ToString() + " " + draggedItem.GetName());
if(e.button == 0 && e.type == EventType.MouseUp && draggingItem )// && player2GridPos.Contains(e.mousePosition))
Debug.Log ("Dropped item");
draggingItem = false;
draggedItem = null;
} else if(new Rect(25-WIDTHOFFSET, 25-HEIGHTOFFSET-200, 192, 270).Contains(e.mousePosition)){
Debug.Log ("This should work"+ draggingItem.ToString() + " " + slotRect.x.ToString()+ " "+ slotRect.min.ToString() +" " + slotRect.max.ToString() + " " + slotRect.y.ToString());
for(int y1 = 0; y1 < 3; y1++) {
for(int x1 = 0; x1 < 2; x1++) {
slotRect = new Rect(25+ (x1 * 95)-WIDTHOFFSET,25 + (y1 * 89)-HEIGHTOFFSET-200, 97, 87);
/*if(e.button == 0 && e.type == EventType.mouseDrag && !draggingItem){
draggingItem = true;
draggedItemIndex = cnt;
draggedItem = item;
Debug.Log ("Test drag" + draggedItemIndex.ToString() + " " + draggedItem.GetName());
if(e.button == 0 && e.type == EventType.MouseUp && draggingItem )// && player2GridPos.Contains(e.mousePosition))
Debug.Log ("Dropped item");
draggingItem = false;
draggedItem = null;
“new Rect(25-WIDTHOFFSET, 25-HEIGHTOFFSET-200, 192, 270)” that is the position and size of the selectionGrid seen from inside the scrollview and when I hover over it the “This should work…” line is printed to the console but I still can’t drop the item on that rect.