Level design...

I have a lot of assets for my game so far…my #1 issue is level design…i find the interior and exterior kits to be to low of quality and would like suggestions.

I need themes for the following elements:
Fire, ice, earth, electric, dark, normal, light(optional).

Essentially each area could be considered an act kinda like diablo. Both terrain and dungeon designs. I can’t find the level design assets to fit my needs.

If you can’t find assets that’ll fit those needs you’ll either need to make them yourself or hire somebody on to make them for you.


Ouch not the answer I was looking for Q_Q

There’s TONS of assets on the asset store that fits this criteria. Try looking again.

And if all else fails get to bendering or hire an artist.

Curious, what answer did you want?

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With some work on your part, you can do a lot with the kits on the Asset Store. Different shaders and post-processing effects can radically change their appearances, as can lighting. With the right camera angles, lighting, and post-processing effects, you can even make gray cubes look pretty good. Instead of looking for different assets, consider browsing through some cinematography and lighting design books to take best advantage of the assets already available to you. Here are some suggestions:


Buy a kit you like and edit the textures. Add blue highlights for cold, red for fire, brown for earth, etc. And create some little original models to sprinkle about the place. A little change goes a long way.


Either pay someone to create the content for you or be creative.