level modeling

what program do you suggest for level design?

3ds Max thats what I use…

However if your short on cash might be worth checking out blender… :wink:

Or Wings3D, or Silo. Anything that lets you work to a grid.

Silo, Cheetah, Cartography Shop and for lightmapping Gile

Using Maya for level because of snap tools, it works perfectly.

…And Mel script too ! :lol:

Is modo a good choice ? my friend uses that one for architectural stuff and he could show me how to use it .

3dsmax or similar, the object snap and align tools make laying out levels, especially many large chunks that have to match up seamlessly easy.

You still need to get it into the editor to layout the gameplay mechanisms, but for initial fleshing out and static scenery placement you can’t really beat a good 3D app.

Generally anything that has the tool to create the type of level you want efficientely is a good tool.
The better you are used to it, the better its suited actually :slight_smile:

Yeah pretty much any modelling program which allows you to extrude edges and lay out UVs will do.

The fundamentals are always the same it is just becoming familiar with each applications tool set and interface. I tend to use Maya as it is what I am most comfortable with and I also find it quite fast to use. It is not without its flaws though. I also find myself using max from time to time.
I played with Modo 301 a little and found it really nice I just didn’t have the time to learn the interface. I will do back and try the demo of 401 when time becomes a little more free.
If you want a free tool the XSI mod tool is very good.