Level Selector - Level Images for Brick Breaker

I am trying to make a level selector scene where players unlock levels and it displays a picture of the level so they can track their progress.

I have done the level unlocker and selector system, Im stuck on the images being displayed on the Raw Image component.

I have got the level properties in a class, they all load perfectly fine. I need the ‘LevelTexture’ ​to be in that class too.

If the ‘LevelTexture​’ are not in the class then it loads fine, but as soon as I move the variable into the class it no longer works.

I have a feeling its got something to do with (Texture). if its ‘(Texture)LevelImage’, it works find, but as soon as I put it in the class it now needs to be ‘level.LevelTexture’. and I have no idea where to put the (Texture) part now.


    public class Level
        public string LevelText;
        public int LevelID;
        public int Unlocked;
        public bool IsInteractable;
        public Texture LevelTexture;
        public Button.ButtonClickedEvent OnClickEvent;

   // public Texture LevelTexture;

void Start ()
    levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<LevelManager>();

void FillList()
        foreach (var level in LevelList)
            //Level button creation and name
            GameObject newbutton = Instantiate(levelButton) as GameObject;
            LevelButton button = newbutton.GetComponent<LevelButton>();
            button.LevelText.text = level.LevelText;
            img = (RawImage)GameObject.Find("Image").GetComponent<RawImage>();

        //Level locked/unlocked
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LevelsUnlocked") >= level.LevelID)
            print("Unlocked" + level.LevelID);
            level.Unlocked = 1;
            level.IsInteractable = true;

            img.texture = level.LevelTexture;                //This line has the issue.

          //img.texture = LevelTexture;

            print("Image loaded: " + level.LevelTexture);
            //  LevelPeak.sprite = level.LevelImage;

        //Button Update
        button.unlocked = level.Unlocked;
        button.GetComponent<Button>().interactable = level.IsInteractable;
        button.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => levelManager.LoadLevel(button.LevelText.text));

        newbutton.transform.SetParent(Spacer, false);


If anyone can help it would be greatly appriciated

You now have a class inside you class! Is this your intention?

If this IS your intention, this means that your class should be serializable and should be placed outside the MonoBehaviour class.


public class Level
    public string LevelText;
    public int LevelID;
    public int Unlocked;
    public bool IsInteractable;
    public Texture LevelTexture;
    public Button.ButtonClickedEvent OnClickEvent;

public class LevelSelector : MonoBehaviour
    public Level Level;

    // public Texture LevelTexture;
        private void Start()

Is this is NOT intention you should leave out the bracket ;-p

public class Level : MonoBehaviour
         public string LevelText;
         public int LevelID;
         public int Unlocked;
         public bool IsInteractable;
         public Texture LevelTexture;
         public Button.ButtonClickedEvent OnClickEvent;
    // public Texture LevelTexture;
 void Start ()
     levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<LevelManager>();
 void FillList()
         foreach (var level in LevelList)
             //Level button creation and name
             GameObject newbutton = Instantiate(levelButton) as GameObject;
             LevelButton button = newbutton.GetComponent<LevelButton>();
             button.LevelText.text = level.LevelText;
             img = (RawImage)GameObject.Find("Image").GetComponent<RawImage>();
         //Level locked/unlocked
         if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LevelsUnlocked") >= level.LevelID)
             print("Unlocked" + level.LevelID);
             level.Unlocked = 1;
             level.IsInteractable = true;
             img.texture = level.LevelTexture;                //This line has the issue.
           //img.texture = LevelTexture;
             print("Image loaded: " + level.LevelTexture);
             //  LevelPeak.sprite = level.LevelImage;
         //Button Update
         button.unlocked = level.Unlocked;
         button.GetComponent<Button>().interactable = level.IsInteractable;
         button.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => levelManager.LoadLevel(button.LevelText.text));
         newbutton.transform.SetParent(Spacer, false);

Yes, my intentions were to have a class there.
I have quite a few levels so that keeps it in an array like this:


There you will also be able to see that I am storing the Level texture image in the editor

There you will see once I click play, it loads the level selection menu, but not the images. The Texture is still blank on the Image.

This is what I dont understand, its not setting the texture and I cant figure out why
It loads the names and everything else perfectly fine, its just those images