LevelPlay Integration Manager is installed, but in package manager "Ads Mediation" seems not installed?

HI, a year ago I had someone help me set up LevelPlay, now I want to update the Ironsource SDK, but realised the LevelPlay Integration Manager is installed, but in package manager “Ads Mediation” shows option - install ? How can it be installed but offer install option ?

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Could it be that I use " IronSource Unity Plugin integrated." ? So the “Ads mediation” is the legacy old approach ?

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I now Updated LevelPlay Ironsource SDK to 8.3.0 but in mediation manager it states “please make sure
you have also upgraded your Unity package to the latest version available.” but when I follow their guide and download unitypackage 8.0.0 it has the same LevelPlay name ? And many items override with same names as Ironsource 8.3.0 SDK

Am I good to just install newest unitypackage ? As it also enables LevelPlay integration manager.

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Ok, you mixed up everything.

The newest approach is to use only Ads Mediation package that can be installed from Unity Package Manager.

This package is all you need. It will NOT be located in the Assets folder.

So, if you installed it via importing the Unity Package which you downloaded from ironSource website, and you see it in the Assets folder, you must delete it, because it will be duplicating the stuff, and other issues like you see with incorrect versions in Manager.

So, your steps:

  • clear all ads related stuff
  • restart Unity
  • install the Ads Mediation package via Unity Package Manager
  • go to Unity Menu > Ads Mediation > Network Manager and update dependencies from here.

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Thank you so much. Yes the package via package manager installed and I was able to update other networks and build was successful!

I have a Q though - in your example you have version 8.2.0, and in multiple posts people suggest not to use 8.3.0 ? Is that something you also advise ?

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I didn’t tested 8.3 as you could notice, but this method of problem solving takes place