libgdiplus.dylib System.Drawing Error

I am getting this error with on my macbook pro running Catalina:

DllNotFoundException: /Users/bokken/build/output/Unity-Technologies/mono/external/buildscripts/add_to_build_results/monodistribution/lib/libgdiplus.dylib
System.Drawing.GDIPlus…cctor () (at <04abc238e1e64b378e01047493bf1e72>:0)
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘System.Drawing.GDIPlus’ threw an exception.

I tried the fixes from this older thread: here

And, running this in terminal: brew install mono-libgdiplus

Apparently, this is a long running problem with Unity. Any other suggestions or thoughts would be much appreciated.

Did you find a solution? Same problem…

Me too. Who is Bokken?
I tried this: How do you load System.Drawing.dll and gdiplus.dll on Unity Mac? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

Unfortunately, it is not working for me.

I want to know a solution about this, too.

Unity 2020.1.3f1 Individual on MacOS 10.13.6

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same problem…

Make sure in Build setting that set to target platform to MACOS. My problem was solved