Library for MVVM

Whats the best MVVM / MVC lirary for uGUI (Canvas 4.6+ GUI)?
The most popular one seems to be designed so that the whole game is MVVM.

And we only want the Menus/lobby/scoreboards to be designed this way. Seems like a big framework for our small task.

I found this, Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

Seems lightweight and single purpose, anyone used it? Other libraries to consider?

The one I usually recommend is @nventimiglia_1 s uGUI MVVM library. Works very well

Cool, will have a look, but it seems like it has cloud services and stuff I dont need (We Use Forge).

Running the risk of getting caught - might want to take a look at this one:

What I like about MarkLight is that it uses XML to define the views instead of Unities native systme which is not possible to Merge in Git etc.

Try this: