Lies and Seductions: game and source

We have new version available via

You can also download the source of this version via

Contains plenty of AI, animation code and gameplay fixes and finetunings.

Just watched the video and I LOVE the concept and style. I’m trying to download the game for OS X and having no luck. Broken link?

Yes I had no luck d/l the source either…

I’ll swing by later :slight_smile:


Downloading seems to work now. Probably the server where those packages are was down.

Mac only? I can’t get it to work after DL in Windows. I would like to see how you did the NPC conversations.

Should run in windows if you downloaded Windows (without installer) version.

If that version does not start, make sure that the path to the game includes only US-ASCII characters. Mono does not seem to like other character sets in Windows. (If this does not help, it would be great if you could PM the log file to me, and I try to figure out what the problem is.)

EDIT: if you meant the project zip, I haven’t tried if Windows version of Unity reads it. You can find the source for that and dialogue editor (written in Java), which creates XML definition for the game.

The game works in Windows, just not the Unity package.

Thanks for info. I’ll try to figure out what the problem is. Can you elaborate what “does not work” means?

Meanwhile, you should be able to get source files out from that zip, or alternatively by downloading the C# source only zip.

Ok, maybe I am just doing something stupid, but here is what I see:

I download the Unity project from

I get a zip file that contains one file called lies_project with no format suffix. I rename it to “lies_project.unity” and another copy to “lies_project.unitypackage”

The one opens with an empty scene and the other says “cannot decompress package”.

Try Unity → Open Project without renaming anything. Then select the lies_project and you should be good.

(It is not .unity file, because, for some reason, I am unable to create one.)

If I try “open scene”, I get “selected file name is not valid”. If I “open project”, then it is looking for a folder and the file is not shown as a option. If I “import package”, it tries to import it, but then gives me “couldn’t decompress package”.

After having unpacked the inital zip I double clicked the “lies_project” with no extension in 7zip and it seemed to unpack that as well. After that I was left with an two folders, “Assets” and “Library” which I moved into a folder I called whatever and I opened that folder as a project in Unity.

Worked perfectly.

The game is really buggy from the editor however, but I recently changed to C# and all the scripts are a great resource for me.

Thanks for this. :slight_smile:

Nice looking game as well.

Yes, that worked for me too. Thanks!

We tried the game in 2.5. and there is a plenty of issues. Project, however, should work OK in 2.1.

Some issues might arise if you use Indie, as we have been working with Pro, and I have understood that there might be some incompatibilities.

1.0.0 version is now available. Source and project zip package has also updated (use links above).

Major changes:

  • wayfinding bug corrections
  • NPC AI logic corrections
  • animation logic corrections
  • dialogue logic corrections

Awesome work! I was curious about your navmesh (nodes and edges)… Did you place those manually or did you use something to generate it?

EDIT: Nevermind. figured it out.

If you have indie, replacing Sounds/Scripts/FModManager.cs as follows might remove some issues in indie:

using UnityEngine;
using System;

public class FModManager : MonoBehaviour{

	enum FModStatus {INIT_ERROR}; 
	private class SyncListenerNode {
		private SyncListener syncListener;
		private int everyNSyncPointUsed;	
		public SyncListenerNode(SyncListener s, int e) { syncListener = s; everyNSyncPointUsed = e; }
		public SyncListener getSyncListener() { return syncListener; }
		public int getEveryNSyncPointUsed() { return everyNSyncPointUsed;}	
		public void updateEveryNSyncPointUsed(int e) { everyNSyncPointUsed = e;	}
	void Awake() { enabled=false; }
   	private static FModStatus init() { return FModStatus.INIT_ERROR;}
   	public static bool initOK(String msg) { return false; }
   	public static void UpdateCameraPosition(Vector3 position, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up) {return; }
    public static void startEvent(int e) {return;}
	public static void SetSoundVolume(float vol) { return;	}
	public static void SetMusicVolume(float vol) { return;}
	public static void StartEvent(int systemid) { return; }
	public static void StartEvent(int systemid, Vector3 position) { return; }
   	public static void StartEventAtCamera(int systemid) {return;}
	public static void StartSyncSoundEvent(int systemid) { return; }
	public static void AddMusicSyncListener(SyncListener s, int bpm) {return;}
	public static void RemoveMusicSyncListener(SyncListener sl) {return;}
	public static void setMusicSyncBPM(SyncListener sl, int bpm) { return;}
    public static void Cue(int id) { return; }
	public static void SetMusicParameterValue(int paramID, float param) { return; }
    public static void StopAll() { return; }
	public static void StopEvent(int systemid) { return; }
    public static void StartCutScene(SyncListener c, String cutScene) { return; }
    public static void StartCutScene(String cutScene) { return; }
    public static void StopCutScene() { return; }

This project is a GEM! It´s packed with useful interesting code. Thanks a lot, I think you guys are being very generous in sharing it.

I haven’t checked out the source yet, but thanks for sharing!

I did however download and play the game a few times … it’s a really interesting concept. I didn’t manage to get the super mega happy ending yet … but that’s ok because I’m happy to go back and try again. It’s fun to see how the story plays out.

I do have a few questions about it, though. Purely from an interested onlooker point of view …

How long did the project take to build? How many people worked on it? How do people react to the adult content? What were peoples reaction to the game? What genre would you say this game should be boxed into? I tried to explain it to someone and couldn’t really think of anything that described it well … a third person drama? I dunno!

Anyways, thanks again for sharing the source and the game - I for one look forward to seeing what you do next with Unity, as I really enjoyed it. It was a really refreshing change.

Great Models not Played the game as yet but the style…is of the hook :wink: