light artifacts

I recently started noticing some strange lines on all objects, they are barely visible, in the video I show an example of what artifacts I have, I just give an example in the video using a primitive, but in the project I have such barely noticeable artifacts everywhere, I don’t understand how to get rid of them…
tell me how…?

That’s not really related to “Global Illumination.”

You’re describing banding. There are only so many shades you can compute, and gradual changes across a smooth sky or large polygon can make the smallest shifts in color visible as bands of constant colors. This can be further exacerbated by cheap LCD panel displays, lower bit-depth support in mobile hardware, aggressive compression of video, and low-contrast flat-colored scene elements.

Add details to your objects to break up the flat colored areas. Add a little noise to your shaders. Where possible, use tonemapping or dithering post-processing.

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this is also noticeable on complex geometry with texture, although it will not be noticeable in the video, but when the gameplay is in progress, for example, when the camera moves, barely noticeable stripes are visible, but I just can’t understand where they come from and how to get rid of them…

As I understand it, it’s a matter of lighting, I could probably be wrong, of course, there are a lot of settings and I don’t know which of them can have a positive effect…