Hello there, Unity Community!
Im doing a mini planet prototype,
everything looks right on the editor, but when I test in on Android the meshes look distorted.
This only happens in Android.
I tried:
Change the shaders to mobile diffuse.(I was using default diffuse)
Deactivate light(I only have one, directional light) and turning ambient light to full white - THIS WORKS, but now, i have no shadows!
Leave Light active but WITHOUT SHADOWS.- THIS WORKS!. but again, no shadows…
I dont know what else to do,
i guess, maybe try another shader ?
It seams Unity doesnt handle shadows well on Mobile.
Maybe this has to do with the resolution on mobile? samsung GS4 is full HD.
Any Ideas?,
Im using:
Unity 4.3.4f1 on MAC OSX
Quality setting on Android: Beautiful.
Samsung Galaxy S4. Android 4.4.2