I didnt change anything, just changed the angle of the camera a little bit.
I’ve already changed the render mode to important but that doenst help to solve my problem.
You need check Render Pipeline settings, URP has limits on lights per object and per-camera. It is mean if you have more lights on one object than you set in settings it will switching between them
Hi. Thank you for your answer.
It seems that i cant handle more than 4 lights with LWRP?
Is there a workaround or do i have to update my Unity version to use the URP to have more access to Lights?
Depends on your purpose! In my project for example I have a big objects(one mesh), so I separated it on more pieces - of course I increased my mesh data, but this object now gain more lights. But there is still limit per camera if I correct remember it is 16 per camera.
For URP here is info:
- Increased visible lights limit for the forward renderer. It now supports 256 visible lights except in mobile platforms. Mobile platforms support 32 visible lights.
- Increased per-object lights limit for the forward renderer. It now supports 8 per-object lights in all platforms except GLES2. GLES2 supports 4 per-object lights.