I hope someone can shed some light on a particular issue im having with our current project.
On our Main Camera I have a spotlight that acts as the players Flashlight, I believe this is a very common way of doing this. This works perfectly as expected on PC builds, and in editor, but when I package an APK for the GearVR, the further away the spotlight is from the global coordinates of 0,0,0, the more the light starts to flicker.
The effect looks like the light is flickering from left to right, and it is worse with a cookie selected. When no cookie is selected, it is just the edge of the light that flickers.
Things I have tried so far: *Adjust Pixel Lighting (Did not work) *Remove Cookie (Its less apparent, but the same glitch appears on the edge of the light) *Change Render Mode and importance(Did not work) *Point Light with Cube Map instead of Spotlight(Did not work) *32bit Buffer Setting(Did not work) *Different Texture Compression (Did not work) *New Scene in current project (Did not work)
Ive tried almost every solution I can think of, but im not getting anywhere near to fixing it. Ive attached an image to show the level in question.
Im hoping as its such a specific problem people may of experienced it before, but I have been trawling the forums for around a month with no solution found.
How far away do you go from the scene scenter?
The father away you go the less precision you have left in your coordinates floats which causes flickering and other wired behavior.
Thanks for your reply Malzbier, really appreciated.
The furthest point from 0,0,0 is -101,-7,-163. The level is not exactly huge, and its strange the way the problem is only apparent on the Android Device. In editor, and on PC Builds the problem is non existent.
I could rearrange the level to try and avoid this problem, but that would be a huge amount of work.
-101,-7,-163 does not sound critical to me , maybe that some optimization form mobile devices is causing the issue.
The issue emerges more if you have say over 1000 away from the origin.
I think its time to submit a bug report, as it must be something to do with the Oculus Integration with Unity thats causing the issue as ive not seen it mentioned before.
We did try this but with no positive results. Also with the title being a VR title it bought its own issues.
Im going to create a non VR version of the game later this week and see if the issue is replicated just on screen. Its quite funny as a few of our beta testers did comment, but said how they liked the way the torch was running out of batteries at the end! It will end up be something we fix, and then have to re-implement with the way people seem to like the effect!