Light Mapping (Burn/Ringing/Circling issue)

Hello ,

I seem to get these rings in my scene.
Does anyone know why, or how I might try to get rid of them?
Platform Android
Unity v 5.3.5

if you need more spec i will post

Note :

before you answer please read these notes.
i want to say what i try before post this thread.

1- ) increase baked res.
2-) disable shadow or enable
3-) different render paths
4-) hdr on , off ( camera)
5-) light render mode (important , auto , not important)

I have same problem too, i tried same things but i can’t fix it.Someone ask same question in 2012 but no answer i’m start to think Unity have no solution in this situation.:frowning:

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i will return to Unity 4.x version. i dont remember like these issues. i hope v4.x fix my problems. you should try too ServerBedi.

Try to click on the lightmaps and uncheck compression.