hi there,
I try to publish my project in ipad air 2 using unity 5.0, but there is a serious problem that the models in scene are over-exposed by lights, i try to modify the general GI, the environment lighting, the camera clear flags and the only light (-> a Directional light in the scene) parameters. however, the problem is still here…At the same time, i publish it on web and everything runs well . Did anyone get the same situation or have any ideas to solve the problem? pl tell me, thx a lot…
I’ve got exactly the same problem, i’m too with unity 5.0 and exporting to a iPad air 2. Everything is overexposed. i don’t found any solution yet, really interested if you find something.
Probably, it’s caused by that mobile platforms do not support linear color space. Check in the editor which color space you use, if linear - switch to gamma, and you’ll get the same as on ipad.