Light passing through the object.

Good day, all!

I have a problem with light passing through the objects. I tried source settings like shadow cone, but none of those helps. In some cases in can be fixed with lighting layers, but in some cases that’s not the option. I also tried to create a cube, set it to “shadows only”, fit the size of the room - doesn’t work also. Light still passing through.

Can some one please help with this one? Thanks!

What type of lamp/light are you using in the scene?
Is your scene using a baked light map?

Thanks for reply!

I’m using area light here with mixed lighting and HDRP. But it looks like realtime lighting is passing through.

@OkaToka and @SquareBunnyBoy
Okay, sorry for late reply.
Is the problem still occurring?

Yep… It’s still there

Okay, what happens if you change the light, to another type of light like a spot light? Does the light still pass through?

I’m having the same problem. All types of lights in realtime pass through objects.

it still happenning with UniversalRP…

Is the wall connected to the floor, or are the wall and floor both seperate objects?