Light Probe issue

I have a character which is composed of a few seperate meshes. Head,Chest,Legs,Feet,Hands. The normals of each object is unified so there is absolutely no seam. The purpose of this is so I can change the character’s pants model, shirt model, etc.

One issue I noticed though, as soon as I turn on light probes and let me character meshes use light probes, the seams become incredibly apparent. This completely makes light probes useless for any character composed of multiple meshes. I believe this issue arose with Unity 5. (I tried doing a bug report in Unity but the bug report is bugged itself and won’t open!).

If it’s not a bug, I hope it can be added as a graphical feature.

Notice the seam a bit above the glutes as well as the neck.

it’s because the all sample the probes at their own center point. You can feed in a central transform to override this sampling point so that they will all get the same light.

Just make an empty game object in the center of your character and set all the part’s anchor override to it.

Why are you such a life saver?!?!
(bows down) lol. Thank you very much. That absolutely worked!

Buggification ! or Buggiception xd Sorry, I couldn’t resist :smile: