Light Probe - Light Probe Sphere scale issue

Hello Dear Unity Developers,

We have begun using the light probe system and have encountered an issue. Our game object scale is quite large, about 100x bigger than the ideal Unity scene. This means that the spheres used by light probes are extremely small, which makes them very hard to select and work with. I am also concerned that the sphere size might be related to their performance and function. Rescaling all the models, vfx as well as retuning all of our gameplay code would be a huge amount of time and effort.

Does anyone have a solution for increasing the scale of the light probe spheres? Any help would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.

You can use the Scale slider for the 3D Gizmos To make them bigger (at least in some range)

You can find the scale slider on the top of the Scene view → Gizmos → 3D Gizmos