Lightbaking "error"

Having some trouble getting the outside of my scene to correctly lightmap. This is the result.
Some parts seem to not get “all” the lightbake information to fit together correctly.
Most of the outside is lit by a directional light and the standard ambient light.

I still havent figured this one out. Anyone have an idea?

There maybe several reasons:

  1. Model normal direction not right.
  2. Overlapping lightmap UV.
  3. Lightmap atlas size too small.

Or you can export a blue & white color walls for me to take a look if you don’t mind.

Hey, thanks for the reply.
I’ve checked 1, 2 and 3 and cant find anything that would cause this.
Here are the two walls on the left side and the top building part (with the windows).

2647503–186528–Meshes.rar (28.6 KB)

Hi @JacobSozap . I checked your models and they seems fine.
Just a little bit face normal issue on the windowed wall and I fixed it already.
Here’s the lightmapped result I tested with those model in new Unity project.
I also uploaded an Unity package which including the example inside.
The attachment as below. You can take a look.:slight_smile:

My guess is maybe you accidentally duplicate those meshes after lightmapping.
Please check your scene if those blue models had duplicated twice.:wink:

2648601–186605–JacobSozap.unitypackage (1.34 MB)

Hi, I solved it. Since the top meshes where cutting into eachother, this effected the rest of the lightbaking. So i just made them thinner (just so they hade enough depth for the windows) and problem solved…