At first I thought it was my imagination, or that I was doing something wrong.
The issue is the lightbaking preview window is empty when I lightbake a scene and then re-start unity.
In the screenshot 1, I just lightbaked my scene successfully, I can see each mesh in the preview window.
The problem is if I restart Unity, nothing shows up in the preview window unless I re-bake the scene. The lightmaps are still there, no problem with that. SO I suspect this is just an issue with previewing a mesh in the atlas.
Screen shot 1: Just baked scene, I click the mesh and can see the mesh in the lightbake atlas.
Screen shot 2: Close unity, restart unity. Nothing shows up in the preview window anymore.
None of the meshes show up in the preview window.
Does anyone know if this is a known issue? Using unity 5.2.1p2.
(Another verified bug is happening for the camera preview windows, so it might be related the “preview” windows) Camera preview combines all cameras at once after exiting playmode - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
The light atlas is still there as expected. I just cannot preview any individual mesh in the atlas.
Preview of the entire atlases:
Obviously I need to spend another 4 hours of my time submitting another bug report for the Unity 5.2 branch.
Doesn’t the preview work if you check the Auto checkbox?
I don’t want to click the Auto checkbox, because I don’t want the scene to be automatically rebaked every time I change something.
It takes 8 hrs to bake my scene.
I would think I should be able to open Unity and see the preview from the last bake I did. It was there the last time I closed Unity. The lightmap info is still there, I just can’t preview the individual meshes again in the atlas.
I wonder if this is related to why when I download a baked scene from the asset server, the light maps show up in the editor but they are not being applied in the scene view which forces me to rebuild the maps. I have lost a huge amount of time dealing with this issue for a tight deadline. Grumble Grumble.
The lightmap is applied correctly in the shaded scene view. The GI preview modes are using intermediate data from the Gi Cache that is not stored in the snapshot. The snapshot only stores the data needed to build a player. We are aware of this and it is on our TODO list.
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Ahhh. So the Baked scene view is not using the correct data to display but the lightmaps are being used.
Is this fixed? I might be doing something wrong, but I am using 2019.1 and I STILL lose the preview lightmap data when restarting Unity. I can’t see my lightmaps when I press Open Preview.