LightCake (light cookie animation)

This asset has been deprecated.

Is the water included? Does it work on the Unity Free Version? I like the water, fog effect and caustics.

No it is only a light expansion, making light cookies able to be animated with frames. It works on all lights that support light cookies in unity free.

I setup a water scene so that the caustics are displayed in all their beauty.

The water in these screenshots are textures on a plane, they do not move, they only look like water in a still image (this is so Unity pro users have an idea on how it looks), as I myself do not own unity pro (so it is a trick).

The fog is really simple. It is done by checking if my camera is above the plane’s height, if under it I enable Unity’s build in fog in Exponential mode (render settings).

So to keep it together:

LightCake is a “light cookie” animator that prepares “light objects” to support cookie animation (normally only 1 cookie per light source) and the caustics are provided as an example, but you can basically animate any image, render it out to frames and have the frames played back as an animated light cookie.

The first screenshot is delivered in the example package, the other ones are just for showcasing and are not provided.

Does this makes sense?

If you have any more questions, just ask and I will answer.

Hi, I purchased this, but was rather disapointed: It’s a series of images exhanged, and so if they run at 60fps the animation is very fast and unnatural.

Yes, it can just be set to run at 25 fps, but that sucks in a 60 fps game.

Also, yes, I could of course provide my own images of caustics, prepared for 60 fps - but then why buy this package at all?

Sorry, but this was money out of the window for me.

Please explain a bit further, you are the first to complain.

What where your expectations/ did I not provide something that was claimed.

It clearly states in the manual that the script uses frame animation. And with any type of animation that uses frames, you will need to provide frames to feed in it, nothing just appears out of no where. It is also stated that this is the frame animation system only. The water caustics are just a provided example and you are free to use whatever cookie image you want.

Also which version did you purchase? An update was released a few day’s ago with an array sorter, this way you don’t have to drag every single frame yourself.

Could you please email me with these above details. I am very sorry that you did not receive your desired content.
I would like to improve my product, so feedback is always welcome.

If a customer is not happy I wan’t to learn from him/her and or the mistake that I made.

Edit: Don’t forget to put your invoice in your email.

Hi, sorry for taking this public;
You are right: It says that it uses frame animation. … frame animation… well, all animations are frames :wink:

Our game needs to run at 60 fps - I needed a caustics efx and asked my boss to buy this for me, which he did, but then I had to tell him that I could not use it anyway because teh effect I wanted was optimized for 25fps.

I think it’s not an elegant solution to making caustics - or any similar need-to-be-high-resolution-efx to have … 60 fps of individual textures to be fired… so in any case this can not be used by us.

I know this is harsh to you, but I think people in my situation should have the option to read this - like I would have wanted to read it before spending time & my boss’s money…

I understand you completely. I myself use this at 60 fps, I simply create the frames needed with a software package, do some optimizing and run throw it in the script. Simply by creating low resolution images you can save allot of memory.
The script is for people who know little about coding or how to setup an “texture” feeder/sorting algorithm. For most it can be a pain.

So if you email me your invoice number, I will contact Unity and try to get you a refund (no guarantees as this is in the hands of the AssetStore).

I will also update the description to be more clear in the AssetStore, to prevent mistakes like this in the future, thank you for pointing it out.

My apologies if my words might have unintentionally misled you.

ps. If you describe in your email what kind of effect you are after, I might be able to give you some insight.

You can find the support email on the store page!/publisher/4847

Is this mobile friendly performance wise?

That purely depends on the size of your images and how many you will use per player.

it seems like the error lies with you. If your effect is meant for 25fps then no software in the whole world can play it back smoothly at the correct speed in 60fps. Its like giving you 5 fotos and asking you to make me a smooth 60fps movie out of it. What you bought is the functions required to allow more than 1 frame as a cookie. I feel that your lack of understanding is damaging the op’s reputation.

As Shadowphax mentioned, you can not make something run at 60 fps if your total amount of images are only good for 25 fps.

You can speed up the playback to reach 60 fps, but as a result your 25 frames will run 3 times faster.

For smooth results stay above at least 30 fps (so make sure you have enough images for that).