Lighting breaks when zooming in

I have been experiencing some weird behaviors with lighting in my scene lately, depending on the my zoom level (in editor), my objects get completely blown out from the lights, really bright:





I should mention that I’m using custom shaders, but i never had that problem before. What could I have broken in my shaders that would introduce this behavior? They’re nothing fancy, just some custom vertex lit shaders, and the only thing I can think of is maybe I’m not using #define UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE correctly, or something like this. I could be completely wrong of course :slight_smile:

Any tips would be very welcomed, as I have no idea why it’s happening all of a sudden…

Thanks guys!


This looks like double lighting. Can you show use your shaders?

Also note that since Unity 3.5.1, realtime lights work differently (fixing a bug):

In Unity 3.4 realtime lights were not affecting static objects.
In Unity 3.5 realtime lights always affect static and dynamic objects.

The result of this is that if you had previously setup your lighting to work around this bug, then you will now get worse performance as you will receive the lighting twice. It will also look different since your lights will be added twice to the scene.

The correct way to use these lights is to use a single auto directional light and remove the realtime only light.