Lighting broken with default HDRP settings

I just created an HDRP project to try it out, and lighting is kinda broken, as you can see here:


I’m pretty sure this isn’t normal behavior. This is an empty scene that has nothing but a camera, a Sun light and the cube, using the default HDRP 7.3.1 settings under Unity 2019.3.5f1.

Any idea on what might cause this?

your video link also broken…

Ugh, Gfycat decided to remove it because apparently it infringed some rule about adult content (?). Reuploaded it on a better host.

This is due to the (questionable) decision for brand new HDRP projects to use a variety of scene settings and post processing settings that are just not reasonable for an empty scene. Basically, the default settings for a new scene in a new HDRP project uses some exposure settings that look really weird in a scene that’s just a big skybox.

Go to Edit → Project Settings → Default HDRP Settings, and adjust what you see there. You’ll probably find an HDRP Sky with an exposure comp of 10 or something like that.

I’ve already had an collision with this. Try to put Fixed exposure in your sky and volume setting.


@dgoyette for some reason all the settings in the Default HDRP Settings panel are grayed out, so I can’t adjust anything in here.

I tried what @valarus said and it worked. Thanks!

@florianBrn Can you please show me where are those settings? I fight with same problem for a long time

@Lana_liebert sure. You need to select the Volume object in your scene, or if you don’t have one the Sky and Volume Settings file (located in Assets/HDRPDefaultRessources). Then just add an override of type Exposure, and set it to fixed. You’ll need to tweak the exposure value (and maybe also the lights in your scene) to get good results.

Omg thank you very much, now I have normal colours.