We have a VR project that has a rather large scene. Every time I click Play, the lighting looks fine and everything, but after I stop it, Unity insists on rebuilding lighting - which takes upward of twenty to thirty minutes, since we have so many large models. If I turn off Auto Generate, then the light maps disappear and we have no GI or baked lighting at all. It’s like as if it invalidates the light map data every time it runs. I’ve not marked anything as a lighting static. I do move the light at runtime, but I’ve tried leaving it stationary, too, and it still does it. I have several different projects that do this, but this one’s the most impacted, and also the most important. Builds look fine. I’m not even sure where to start troubleshooting this one.
Any ideas what could be causing this? I’m on Unity 2017.3.0f3. Thanks!