Lighting in Unity GDC2015 talk

@Kuba and I gave a talk at GDC 2015 about Lighting in Unity, here are the slides with notes:

It covers how the Global Illumination works, current status of SSRR and some DX12 stuff.



What is “_ScreenParamsRcp” ?
(tried to use that sample snippet)

It’s the multiplicative inverse of _ScreenParams, comes from a script and it’s there simply to avoid division in the shader.

_ScreenParams is defined and described in UnityShaderVariables.cginc:
// y = height
// x = width
// z = 1 + 1.0/width
// w = 1 + 1.0/height
uniform float4 _ScreenParams;

Would love a video of the original talk as well!

Unfortunately the video is only accessible to those with the GDC Vault login:

That said, the notes say pretty much everything that we said during the talk.