Lighting issues

I have a few problems dealing with lighting in my scene.
First of all, I have a flashlight that my character holds. The light coming out of the flashlight doesn’t project on the floor. (1)

My other major problem is that blob shadows don’t cast on the wall or floor. (2)

(see picts below)

How did you manage that? :expressionless:

Odd, I dont know about the light but the projector looks like the far clip plane might be to high up to affect the walls or floor, cant tell…


No matter how close/far away I position the shadow, it still won’t project.
No matter what I set the clip pane to it still just doesn’t project.
I’m thinking it’s something funky with the ground.
I am just as confused as you… on second thought, more.

One more thing to add:

When I project a light cookie on an object, the light hits the object as well as the ground beneath it.
How can I tell the light to only cast on the object in its foreground, and not behind it? Could I use layers? I haven’t even touched layers yet)


As disscussed here you can not layer lights at the moment. Also there are no shadows in unity. So I’m not really sure you can do any thing about that… :frowning:

Layered light are very much needed! will go and request a feature

whats the difference between the 3rd screen and the first two? The ground in the third one is obviously being lit…

I have no idea how you managed to not light the floor in the first screen…


I have proven it an it seems that light always crosses objects.

Any idea?

This is normal behaviour. Unity does not support shadows yet. (Which is the same as light not crossing objects :P)

That’s one update Unity could really use.

The first screenshot shows the pixel light not hitting the ground.

The second screen shows a projected blob shadow projecting on an object, but not the ground.

Has anyone ever had this problem before?

About that projected light, you might want to report a bug with project folder or a package. Does the floor maybe use a vertex lit shader?

Unfortunately from what peter has told me it’s a pretty difficult thing to do, there are a few ways and none of them are that efficient. Who know, we will see.


I also cannot get the blob shadows to work on the “ground”. Too bad as this is the on place they are most needed! :wink:

Please report a bug with a sample project folder.

Will do.
Hopefully it’s an easy fix.

Thanks for the suggestions.