Lighting noob

Not sure if there is where this post belongs, forgive me if it’s not.
I just can’t seem to ever get lighting to work correctly. At times I’ll put spot lights in, and they work, but then other times they do nothing. I’m trying to put lights into a prefab, is that the problem?
Right now, I have a prefab of an FBX I made in blender. The FBX has nothing but one object, no lights or camera or anything. In the prefab, I’m trying to place a light in it, so it will be illuminated. I would prefer an area light, but they seem terribly hard to figure out. I just put a spotlight in the middle of it, and I’ve cranked everything I can think of, and I get absolutely zero visual effect of this. Spot angle, range, intensity, all seem to do nothing. I know with area lights I believe the object has to be static, so I’ve tried enabling static on my FBX object, and still no visual appearance of the light doing anything. I’ve tried baked and realtime, and I’ve allowed it to finish the baking process, still no visual change. Culling mask is set to everything.
When I put a spotlight in the scene itself, it works, but in the prefab I get nothing. I can’t imagine lighting not being possible with prefabs, but is that it? You can’t light with prefabs?

Additionally, I’ve tried everything I can to make area lights work, even in the scene, and I don’t think I’ve ever had them actually illuminate something. I’ve read stuff and watched YouTube tutorials and it just doesn’t work for me. Is there a trick to area lights?

EDIT: Additionally, I’m noticing that, even within the scene itself, if I have any light (spot, directional, point) set to bake, it never shows any visual difference. I have it set to auto baking, and I can see in the bottom right that it’s finished processing the bake, but there’s no difference. I’m sure it’s simple and I just don’t understand how to properly bake, but I really can’t figure it out.

Thanks for the help!

Hey, can you maybe post what version you are using and some pictures of the scene, the problem and your settings. It’s easier to help then :slight_smile: Cheers