Lighting not working on iOS device

I have a scene defined as following:

  • Two cubes, assigned a Mobile/Diffuse shader with texture.
  • One directional light

Everything looks fine in unity, or compiled Mac standalone app.

But when I compile and run on my iPhone, there is no light at all. I cannot figure why, any help?

By the way, I’m using XCode 4.3.0, iOS 5.1, Unity3D 3.5.0f5 if it matters.

Scene settings:

alt text

Material settings:

alt text

Scene on iPhone:

alt text

Is there a plane in your scene? if not put one just under you boxes and drag any texture onto it, take out any lights you have put in the scene then go to Menu, Edit, Render Settings and set the ambient light up to full white, now put it on your iPhone and see if it’s all lit up.

I’m still new to Unity but thats what I’d try first, good luck.