So I noticed the lightmap snapshot for realtime GI is pretty big mostly(± 300MB) but in the build it becomes really small(few MB). What is this magic? And what is the effect of on memory/buildsize with an higher resolution?
I have the same problem, but my lightmap snapshot is over 1Gb… my baking settings are not optimal)) it’s make some problems, because i have 5 lvl in my game
Currently the asset with lightmap data stores files for realtime GI for all the platforms. Soon we’ll make a change where it will only store the “source data” from which the platform specific files will be built when building the player. This will allow the snapshot to be noticeably smaller.
That said, the difference that you’re seeing between the lightmap data asset size and the build size is much bigger than I’d expect. Could you perhaps submit a bug report, so we can investigate what’s up?