Lightmapping Artifacts on random objects

I’m having a strange lightmapping issue that I never encountered in previous versions of Unity. When I bake the lighting, sometimes random objects in scene will have pixelated artifacts when the bake is finished.

It is not isolated to any specific object or instance of an object. For example, every other “Double Door” in the scene baked fine. There are two couches instanced from the same FBX file in another part of the environment that are within 10 feet of each other, and at the end of my most recent bake, one had the artifacts and the other did not (in the bake before that, neither had the artifacts, but other objects in the scene did, who now don’t).

Scene info
Light Bake settings: I am using essentially default settings, with the exception of non-directional general GI, a slight raise to bounce boost, AO turned to 1, and a 50 tpu baked resolution with 5 padding vs. 40 and 2. The issue still occurs with directional GI and AO turned off. Final Gather is not turned on at the moment.
UVs: I am creating my own UV channel 2 inside of 3ds Max, so generate lightmap UVs are turned off for all of my mesh imports. I do not have Preserve UVs checked in the lighting object menu.
Lights: I’m using 1 directional light with soft shadows (baked) and area lights.

I noticed there was a thread a few down from mine with a similar issue, but due to how widespread his was and how isolated mine is I figured it may be worth a separate thread.

Hi! It does look like the same issue as this Blotchy Baked Lightmap - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions we are looking into it.

Ok, great! I wasn’t sure since his issue, from what I could tell, covers a large portion of his environment where mine stays isolated to a couple props per bake.

If there is any other information on my scene that would be helpful, let me know!

It would be great if you could upload your scene (as simple a scene as possible that still shows the problem), then we can take a look. Thanks!

Hmm. I seem to be having trouble replicating the issue. I did upgrade to 5.0.1 today (for some reason Unity never told me on startup there was a new build until today), and I’ve been unable to replicate it since. I did see in the release notes that there were some lighting and GI additions and fixes. If the issue presents itself again I will reply to this post.

I’ve the EXACTLY same issue right now

The pic is a bit small but i can say that’s exactly the same issues you’re experiencing.

I was able to fix the issue. It turned out to be that some of my meshes were not light probe static, I was using light probes. Making sure all of my meshes were light probe static fixed that issue for me.

Hmm yea all my objects are marked correctly so at least the source of my problem is different. I’ll be doing some heavy re-baking tomorrow so it the issue is going to resurface it will probably be then. Fingers crossed!

Any solution? Incredibly, it’s still an issue in the latest 5.2.2 release, it’s been half a year now.

Bug is still present in 5.3

Did you report it like @Kuba asked for in this thread?
What is the case number? We can’t fix it without a test scene that reproduce the problem.

@KEngelstoft – you’ve got one now (Case 755188). Just uploaded it. Still broken in 5.3.

@Kuba bump case 755188
