Lightmapping Using Standard Shader for Mobile Performance

I am lightmapping a scene in Unity 5.3.2 and all of my static lightmapped objects are currently using the standard shader. I am worried about performance of the standard shader on mobile.

I am curious if it is OK to leave the standard shader on the light mapped objects if I am building for mobile? Some of the static lightmapped objects will be accepting a realtime shadow from the player.

Or should I switch out to a legacy mobile lightmap compatible shader after the bake? Something like LegacyShaders/Lightmapped/VertexLit?

Or should I just be using a legacy or mobile shader initially when setting up the scene before the lightmap bake?

Thanks in advance!

Missing option in the poll: Use a custom shader

If you write your own shader, you can, for example, support per-vertex fogging and a couple of per-vertex point lights, cheaply, in a single pass - as well as using lightmaps or lightprobes.

I’d recommend having a look at the Shadowgun sample level for examples of cheap-but-effective mobile shaders. It’s a few years old now, but still relevant, especially if you’re targeting older devices.

Hi BigToe,

Did you ever get anywhere with this? I have just posed a similar set of questions and am at a bit of a loss :confused:

All help is appreciated.



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